It was hard to believe when it finally happened. Covid hit and I was sent home to work. Gone were the way too early wakeups that held my anxiety triggered insomnia in place on and off for over 3 years. The insomnia that brought me to the absolute lowest points in my life. I began sleeping and sleeping well. There were still bad nights here and there, but overall I knew I was finally reaching that light at the end of the tunnel. I learned all I could learn about insomnia and how to handle it. Read books and did all the work. It’s just something that takes time and my time had finally come. Forget about sleep restriction and all these other rules that are there for serious sufferers, I had reached a point where I was even playing around on my phone for a bit while in bed before deciding to finally crash. Life felt VERY normal again, in a year that was not so normal. I was happy, I was upbeat. Even the dark circles under my eyes began to fade away ever so slightly.
Fast forward to about a year later and one month ago now, and slowly but surely my insomnia has somehow, someway, crept right back into my life. Taking a while to fall asleep, waking up too early. You name it, it’s happening. Middle of the night awakenings are more rare though. It’s never as bad as to the point it was in those early years, but definitely back and with a big of vengeance too. Truth is I can’t even pinpoint why or how it started. I’m definitely under some stress lately, but what does that even mean? So anytime in life I come under stress my sleep will suffer? What will happen if i have a kid one day? What will happen if I ever meet someone that I’ll have to welcome into my bed every night? Generally speaking, even this relapse aside, I have to admit I suffer from some pretty significant anxiety over sleep. It was there even before my insomnia began all those years ago. My therapist once said I could always get some pills “just incase”, maybe have one here or there to try and get me out of a relapse? I don’t know. All I know is that while my insomnia is pretty much night and day compared to what it once was, I’m still rather nervous about what the future holds for me and my sleep.
This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mac0908.
This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mac0908.
This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mac0908.