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If you are actively trying to make more than four hours of sleep happen, you might be setting yourself up for a struggle — because nobody can consciously make a certain amount or type of sleep happen.
On a related note, a sleep window cannot make a certain amount or type of sleep happen. Really, it’s a tool that’s intended to help move you away from chasing after sleep — from doing things like going to bed earlier or staying in bed later in an attempt to make sleep happen.
What probably matters more is going to bed when you feel ready to go to bed (often indicated by feeling sleepy enough for sleep — finding it hard to stay awake) rather than because you want to make a certain amount or type of sleep happen.
It can also be helpful to have a reasonably consistent out of bed time in the morning so you can strengthen your body clock, you ensure there’s enough time for sleep pressure to build to help with sleep at night, and you have the opportunity to engage in the world around you and do things that matter.
Is there anything useful here?
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