I am in my second week of sleep restriction and I’m still having consistent night time wakings.
To give you some context, prior to sleep restriction, I would go to be around 10:30, fall asleep in about half an hour, wake around 3-4 am and sometimes (but not often) fall back asleep until my alarm rang at 6 am. On weekends I would mess up my body clock entirely by catching up on sleep and sleeping for 8-10 hours.
My current sleep window is 12:00 to 6:00 for a total of six hours. I find myself falling asleep quite quickly but waking up every night around 5 am. When I wake up, I’m sleepier than I would be w/o sleep restriction, but I still never fall back asleep. Going off of the advice to stay in bed while the bed feels good, I’ve been staying in bed sometimes listening to music or meditation. I also recognize that sometimes we pressure ourselves to get more sleep than we need. I can assure you that my body needs more than 5 hours to function well. I am a zombie throughout the day and find myself struggling at work.
Long story short: prior to SRT, on week nights, I would usually wake up around 3 and be unable to fall back asleep, getting usually about 5 hours of sleep. Now with SRT I am waking around 5 and getting the same 5 hours just pushed back and with less chance of falling back asleep since my alarm is going to ring in and hour. Should I be getting out of bed when I wake up at 5 even though I’m still relaxed and sleepy? Is my sleep window off?
Any advice you have is much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time even to read this essay!