'BobbyP' wrote on '08:
I've been wondering what others here in Insomnia Land choose as their stay-awake beverage, on those really tough days of sleepiness. I have a weakness for Starbucks non-fat cappuccino, half mocha half hazelnut. 🙄
I have to say that the only time caffeine keeps me awake is when I don't want it to! If I am drowsy late at night, and still have to drive, getting cold is more effective than expecting caffeine to do instant wonders, instead of the usual three hours later, it hits me.
I have never had an immediate jolt from caffeine, as I have never had from sugar, either. I did once fall asleep in college, after taking two NoDoz about 30 min. before, when I wanted to study long into the night, but I woke up with the caffeine shakes. Never tried that again.
That said, while I used to have a giant (20+ oz) of sweetened & milked strong black tea in the morning and afternoon, I began to prefer a latte in the morning. Originally it was regular, but at one point my Dr put me on decaf or tea. So now my usual latte is (Starbucks terms): decaf venti latte, sugar free hazelnut, no foam, own cup. I can't hack non fat, but 2% is just fine.If I'm not at Starbucks, it's 20 oz decaf latte, sugar-free hazelnut syrup, 2% milk, no foam, own cup. If I'm up early and need to be functioning up near midnight, I get a regular or half-caff.
I love hazelnut mochas, but seldom allow myself to have them.
There is a small local chain with a new shop in my neighborhood. They make all drinks to order, including not grinding the beans before you order. No syrups (too messy), but they have flavored extract powders, and heaven forfend you should want your latte in different proportions than they find optimum. Not going back–I tend to want my drinks the way *I* want them, for some odd reason.