Greetings, fellow insomniacs! Newbie here. I’ve been struggling with insomnia for years (78 years old now), have put a great deal of time, effort, and money into trying to find the magic bullet that will help me overcome the insomnia, with never more than short term success. After one particularly awful time on Christmas Night, my wife suggested that perhaps I should stop trying to beat the insomnia and find a counselor or resource that would help me learn to live with it, and here I am. Already, after five of Martin’s e-mails and reading many posts on this forum, I am feeling better and beginning to learn to stop obsessing over sleep.
I thought I would mention the one thing that has proven to be effective in terms of falling asleep (although not staying asleep, which has been my main problem). Years ago I discovered a podcast called “Sleep With Me”. It is totally unlike any other sleep podcast that I have looked into. The host, who calls himself Scooter, does not have a soothing voice or delivery, in fact just the opposite. What he does is tell stories that are pointless, meandering, and boring, the idea being to distract you from any thoughts that may be interfering with your ability to relax.
Each hour-long podcast starts with an intro that lasts 15-20 minutes, none are alike, but they all have things in common. Amongst the pointless wanderings, he will tell you that he’s not there to make you fall asleep but to be your companion while you put yourself to sleep; that he’ll go off topic and never get anywhere; that you don’t have to really pay attention; and other things that through repetition seem to act as triggers to help you relax.
He does make the point that it may not work for everyone, and you may have to listen to 2 or 3 before you settle into it. It’s worth the effort – I can’t be sure, but I think I generally don’t get much past the intro before I am asleep.
Hope this is helpful to some of you. As to the problem of staying asleep, I am looking forward to the journey with Insomnia Coach.