Hello guys,
I am 24 years old, struggling with insomnia and bad nights sleep for almost 2 years already. All began when I started to feel the stress and pressure of my previous job. I was working on shift 24/7 including night shifts and basically I did not had any sleep schedule, everything was messed up.
I finally decided to go see a therapist after several medical investigations which turned on to be kind of normal, and my therapist told me it’s because of the job and I kind of believe it and I knew that, just didn’t want to give up till I was to be promoted ’cause I worked my a** off. I quitted the job last year, and now I have a chill job, working from home, the schedule and workflow are really chill, nothing to complain about. Nevertheless, I’m still struggling with insomnia and I blame it on the fact that I’m working from home, and I don’t consume my energy accordingly. I usually *most of the time* practice yoga before bed.
The bad habits I have and may influence my sleep will be: smoking, playing video games, not going outside enough in a day, hardly get enough human interaction outside the house.
Good habits that may be need improvement: Keeping up with my yoga routine, eating really well and not after 9 P.M.
I’m struggling and refuse to take any sleeping pills yet, I know I can defeat this sleep anxiety, even though I’m thinking about it everyday, searching on Google how you can get your health deprived in time because of it, trying the basic stuff like tea, oils. Because I’m so stressed I usually go to bed and think about it involuntary, and I’m having nightmares or I simply am conscious about my thoughts while sleeping, I do not know how to explain it..Maybe you will get it if you confront with this issue..
Please help me with any advice, small tips that improved your sleep and calm down your anxiety before bed. I just don’t know where to start..
Thank you!
Healing for everyone