Hello Elcid,
my name is Chris. Thanks.
I have read and appreciate your writing ability expressing
your topics. I have just read about Sasha Stephens and
Sleep restriction therapy. The book sounds very interesting.
I have tried reading of late, my eyes have easier time with
this screen than paper I guess.
You are the 1st person to describe a similar sleeping arrangement.
I have epilepsy and going outside is often too bright so I spend to much time
in the same room as the bed. I do not use it at all, I have a couch that I use
after my initial sleeping effort. But I was curious, and I don’t sleep or nap
on the couch I have. I do not think I have a stimulus issue but sometimes
at bedtime I don’t feel like sleeping, just exhausted. I am working on 5
consecutive nights of sleep. Positive post are encouraging, but reading
negative, or less positive make me realize I am not the only one.
Concerning SRT: Start at 10:30pm awake at 12:30am.(sleep!) Then
next attempt up till 4-5am. (no sleep). SO I spend 6 in and 2 w/sleep.
SO I should adjust my starting time to 2:30am? I can see why the
“Clients” dread this. Initially I told Martin this would not be an issue.
I am 53 without a job an very little worries. I just don’t feel like
staying up that late. Considering how many things we should not
be doing before bed, ie. T.V., computer, stimulating things! It
sounds a bit much, but as I keep hearing I don’t have much to loose.
Time to stop!
Thanks Elcid
long until starting day 4-5am.