To be perfectly honest, I find politics a bit depressing, and so try to stay away from them; however, the social sites I'm on as well as my phone were blowing up all night with news and information.
The information coming from the varying sources verges on so many extremes, it's hard to decipher what's truth from lies. We know our taxes will likely increase to cover the burgeoning costs associated with implementing a major national insurance. However, if that means every single American will have access to insurance, that's a cost I'm willing to incur.
On the flipside, I do not agree that people should be *required* to have insurance. There shouldn't be a fine implemented for not being insured. With a federal program available, I'm positive the number of uninsureds will decrease substantially. It will be interesting to see what sort of changes this allocates to programs already in place, such as Medicare and Medicaid, and Tricare which is what we are currently covered under. To be honest, dealing with a government program will not be a huge switch for us. lol, we do it once a month or so.
Everyone is able to access health care already, regardless of insurance status; I wonder if this will make a dent on the out of pocket costs to the hospitals, or subsequently, affect the quality of care offered currently. I suppose we'll find out. I am quite sure this is going to be in litigation for an undetermined amount of time as several states are already filing class action suits. Wouldn't it be a kick in the groin if the President decided not to sign it?