Hello, this is my first post and i’m reaching out for some support and advice, please! 
I have been sticking with sleep restriction therapy for one week so far (after 2 previous unsuccessful attempts, during which I gave up after a couple of rough nights).
I fall asleep instantly at my designated bedtime of 11pm (after forcing myself to stay awake till then) but typically wake around 2 or 3ish and sometimes fall back to sleep, but often don’t.
Some questions for those more experienced than myself:
Should I set my bedtime earlier if my body seems to want to wake up regardless at These very early morning hours? I am currently averaging about 4-4.5 hours of sleep during a 6 hour window and am EXHAUSTED by the time my bedtime rolls around
Also i do try to do stimulus control and get out bed when i can’t fall back to sleep, but i admit i lay in bed sometimes during my sleep window just to REST and put on a guided meditation or sleep story on the Calm app…is this forbidden by the CBTi guidelines?
I listen to those things to relax me and quiet my mental chatter…I have anxiety when I wake up at these times and was also waking up like this prior to starting SR (anxiety most probably around insomnia and not getting enough sleep during these early morning hours).
I’m hoping that I can commit to sticking with SR as this first week has been tough! Any support, advice, encouragement would be soooo appreciated
Thank you!!