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Chen Liang
✓ ClientMaybe some still dont get it. I will give an example. If you have too much sugar in your body then your body will produce insulin to balance it out. Our soul have this immune system to balance things out. In my own case i am quite inteligent guy and my inteligent was too one sided i always project things to the future and thinking about what will happen next and plan things out too much by i mean much is just too much. I literally never live in the moment i always live in the ideal world of my mind. So my soul/alter ego try to force balance this by creating insomnia so i can notice what is currently happening and be awake of what is happening inside my self and stop looking in the future and live in the now. The more i try to figure things out because i keep looking into the future on how my life will be worst if i dont manage my insomnia the worst it gets and start imbue my insomnia with panic attack so i can feel the sensation and live in the now. So what i find out is when i start learning active mindfulnes and live in the now and not the future and allow panic and insomnia to happen without thinking about what will happen next or tommorow the better i am and slowly everything came back to normal. Allow your insomnia allow you panic attack hug it in the now and feel the fear not double the fear with more fear but come with love in the present. I hope this help.
Chen Liang
✓ ClientFor anyone still suffering. I recommend you all to not fight it. Fighting it will increase adrenaline and tension in yourself. By letting it be you will slowly let your nerve system to be more relaxed in time. This definitely need courage to do to accept any outcome it will bring either good or bad. In psychology it is called neurosis. Neurosis is always good it is a way of your psyche to heal itself. If you fight neurosis it is like fighting the immune system your soul have created. So i recommend learn to be mindfull with every thought and emotion that appear like fear and hug the cactus instead of fighting the cactus that currently hurting you. In time these cactus will develop your character and you will be more resilient as Carl Jung said. Insomnia is not a bad thing it is just your subconcious self is asking to be noticed so it is calling you to be awake. It is painful i know i was suffering for 5 years but actually it wont take long to heal if only i understand insomnia is not a bad thing(what i said might trigger some of you in panic) but it is the truth. Stop fighting it and let it be see it feel it hug it and it will slowly let you go in time and suddenly you will be changed into a different person.
Chen Liang
✓ Clienthei manfred…
you seem to have read a lot about acceptance , problem is you seem to use acceptance to control insomnia and try to heal insomnia which is not what acceptance mean…. i joined many acceptance community with many people healed in there and guiding many more getting healed and each week i see new people healed. You know what acceptance is? you are right if you let anxious thought and feeling be. But insomnia and panic is the same the more you dont want to have panic attack by using acceptance you will get more panic attack. Instead why not just let the panic be whenever it want to come whether today tommorow or even everyday and just live your life with it there without trying to heal or fix it. When you get so anxious let yourself be more anxious dont try to get rid of anxiety . Acceptance is the same with surrender be gratefull in suffering be gratefull in happiness. You can sleep you are happy you dont sleep also happy. I think you should already know this much. Dont fight sleeplessness and the suffering that come with it. Dont try to heal it let time and God heal you. Dont ask for healing instead live the life you want without concern of your condition. Do not engage fear with fear but with accepting love they want to torment you let them do it. When you choose not to fear suffering instead come to it , anxiety loses its grip.
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
Chen Liang.
Chen Liang
✓ Clientin the long run drugs is not the solution never will be. only temporary comfort. if you take it long enough the side effect will give you worst symtoms not only insomnia and i have been there. i will tell you something try reading dr. claire weekes book hope and help for your nerve. also try watch youtube from “vacate fear” also from ” shaan kassam” . insomnia is 100% same with panic attack there is no different just different area where you are fearing. learn this first not dr guy meadow. search also randy gardner also search youtube the podcast from dr daniel with sasha stephen.
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 months ago by
Chen Liang.
Chen Liang
✓ Clientodinsky and deb- i wonder about all of this acceptance and meditation. if we do it for the purpose of sleep isnt it becoming sleep effort and making sleep harder? Or odinsky you did it to sepparate yourself from your mind and emotion? Its hard ….
Chen Liang
✓ ClientOdinsky – I forgot to ask when you train yourself on this meditation at night without sleep what are you doing? SRT SC? or just accepting thought and let thought happen passing throught minute to minute? What you do when sleep dont happen and wired in the middle of the night?
Chen Liang
✓ ClientOdinsky – its amazing how you manage to do that. I tried to do that for a day and i dont know how to sepparate myself from the thought and emotion. My thought was filled with sleeplessness and fear of how bad my being will be without sleep and i become so anxious . my emotion become so anxious and afraid i shake so bad at night. At that point should i just keep watching the thought and emotion? how to sepparate from them? Also how to do meditation like you? is there any guide? or book? that teach meditation and acceptance to sepparate oneself from thoughts? I need a guide i am not a smart person about this stuff.
Chen Liang
✓ Clienthi burn thank you for replying. I understand… im not sure is this withdrawal or im just stuck in nil sleep. i am so intrigued by ACT i was thinking of doing ACT with CBTi. From how you explain acceptance it means allow every thought and emotion be with you in the middle of the night on bed without doing anything just watch them and let them be inside you. But with so much anxiety or thought or stuff appearing in my head and feeling isnt that will not make me more relaxed? i cant imagine sitting with all those stressfull thoughts and emotions. you also said about using tools to make you sleep and accept it this is kind of confusing so in the end if we accept all the stuff in ourself that is so stressfull like what you mention possibly we wont sleep that night which mean in the end its like deb said we might not sleep also and we accept it which in the end we kind of not put any care or emotion toward not sleeping as if it is normal. Am i wrong here somehow. I enroll the sleep school website also bought the book and read it. This method of ACT is very confusing because human mind are complicated. I do really feel i need to contact dr Kat and talk with her about my issue. All which is mental need more talk and guidance compared to CBTi which is quite simple just follow the SRT . but ACT seems like everyone have their own thought and tendency to do something with their thought .
Chen Liang
✓ ClientHi deb- i want to ask something it seems crucial i read everyone post here in this thread. Why whenever i read the comment of everyone here seems they struggle with acceptance. It is like they are faking their acceptance. If someone trully accept that they may not sleep that night ,or giving up the struggle to sleep night after night maybe giving up trying to sleep or sleep Forever, why would you be concerned about the anxiety and everyone seems trying so hard to get rid of the anxiety. If you trully accept and give up sleep then even if there is anxiety every night you will be fine and let the anxiety be there because you dont care anymore. This is how think correct me if i am wrong. Because i keep reading that it seems everyone here who do mindfullness and welcoming are doing it for the purpose of trying to make sleep happen instead of just give up whatever happen happen. You said you accept and give up sleep then why try this and that let fear be there anxiety be there. Also i want to ask about frustration, isnt frustration is the opposite of acceptance letting go or giving up?
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Chen Liang.
Chen Liang
✓ ClientHi deb also about SRT and SC i forgot to reply what you ask. i do SRT and not so strict SC. i stick to it very much going to bed and waking up sticking to the time . there is a moment i just realize i was drifting off to sleep so badly and my body jerk so bad my hand is up in the air and my leg up in the air. amazing right.
Chen Liang
✓ Clienthi deb- its been 3 weeks but this week i stoped my medicine. i dont know is it because of the medicine or something else but 7 day 0 sleep at all. so much anxiety and i am shaking at night . i went to bed and i do ACT i shake and let it be , there is tingling sensation on my chest also and my head is so full of adrenaline or arousal and i let it be i just lay down on my bed since i cant do anything anyway. i dont know whether i do ACT right i just let all emotion come and be let them be there but they dont go away and i just okay its fine let them be i sleep or not doesnt matter anymore i just lay down on this bed. At some point i feel numb and so discomfort and i move a little its like my muscle is cramping a bit. deb can i email you for some talk there is serious issue i want to talk about unrelated to sleep maybe you can give me advice. oilforsoul gmail.
Chen Liang
✓ ClientHi deb and mac- relating sleep confidence i stoped taking my medication and this week i tried to do what martin told me to do all the SRT and SC and doing stuff on the day. But seriously this has been 5 days and i slept lightly only for 30 minutes. Now my head and body hurt and my mood is so bad. I tried to not take notice but it is so obvious i tried to accept and do mindfullness but in the back of my head i know my body ask sleep badly. I cant do anything about it. Everytime i hit my head on the pillow my mind start reminding you have not slept for days you need to sleep now! And this thought actually not working i think its controlling. I need advice. Thank you
Chen Liang
✓ ClientOdinsky-imo you almost overcome insomnia. A little more step . One more day of sleeplessness to overcome the fear that you are not afraid to be sleepless. If i am in your position i need someone to tell me one more step one more step one more step.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
Chen Liang.
Chen Liang
✓ ClientHi manfred – i have read it. Its true i have tried SRT for 2 days and i feel like giving up its so tiring so hard and full of terror especially after few days of not sleeping at all. CBTi need discipline and not for the soft hearted many people seems to fail like me because it was way too intense in so many ways. You can go 3 days of no sleep and CBTi will still ask you to follow through and thats where people mostly give up.
Chen Liang
✓ ClientI think odinsky and i are quite similar. What i am curious is how can you let go of any anxiousness deep down in you especially you have not slept for 2 or 3 days at all. Your ability to let anxiousness go away intrigue me.
This reply was modified 4 years ago by