Forum Replies Created
Michael Hawes
✓ ClientHello, God’s kid.
It was around the third week ( I think ) that my sleep did start to noticeably improve, perhaps earlier. However I wasn’t withdrawing from Ambien or any other ‘drug’ so it became easier, at least for me. I did buy every OTC/supplement that had the word ‘sleep’ printed on it. You should see the box I’ve accumulated! I could resell it all and take a weeks vacation anywhere in the world! And, of course, none of the ‘supposed’ sleep aids worked. They might work somewhat for someone that didn’t have chronic insomnia. Not anyone here!
So keep on keepin’ on with the program. I wouldn’t think Martin would offer your money back after completing the course, as directed, if your sleep does not improve — or he’d go bankrupt! And just think about all the sleep he’d loose over that!
( Just kidding, Martin ;-))
Michael Hawes
✓ ClientIf you are taking CBT-I from Martin, the Insomnia Coach which I presume you are doing just email him. He will respond. That’s what you paid for. That’s what he’s here for.
Try it you’ll like it!
Michael Hawes
✓ ClientIf you started CBT-I make sure you stick to the program. After two weeks, for me, the method to the madness ( sleep window/restriction etc. ) made sense. Not only did it make sense the improvement started and ended with me getting 6-8 hours of restful sleep ( sigh of relief ) solely dependent upon how much or little I choose to sleep.
Our stories are all the same. Only the names change. Millions of folks have trouble with sleep. Millions of folks recover from poor sleep, many for good. If you’ve taken CBT-I or are about to if that nasty sleep demon decides to rear it’s ugly head again you will have the tools to defeat it. Quickly.
May the ZZZzzz’s be with you!
Michael Hawes
✓ ClientYou’re not going to die! You’re just not sleeping. You WILL sleep, trust me. Many folks have not had ANY sleep in 72 hours. At least you had some. A plethora of people on this forum, and around the world have had chronic insomnia for YEARS! Fortunately I only had it for two and a half months. I can relate, as many others here can also. I don’t know what part covid may have on your sleep issue however I’d imagine when covid passes so will your sleeplessness.
I’d bet dollars to donuts that EVERYONE who has suffered with chronic insomnia felt as if they were loosing their mind and were going to die. Yes, it’s that nasty — but far from fatal. I’ve suffered an ‘almost’ fatal heart attack and quad bypass surgery with all the trimmings over ten years ago. The chronic insomnia I suffered through just recently felt worse! Imagine that.
Long story short if your insomnia continues after, or well after you’re over covid then I’d seriously suggest you seek out CBT-I. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. You don’t have to ‘seek’ far. It’s right here. The Insomnia Coach. I am a retired Hypnotherapist and advanced Emotional Freedom Practitioner and none of that worked for me. CBT-I starting working within two weeks of the two month course. Now I get between 6-8 hours of restful sleep up from 1-4 of tossing, turning, getting up, down, round and round. You know what I’m talking about.
Whatever you do or don’t do eventually you WILL sleep. Just makes life better/easier if you nip it in the bud sooner than later. Also I believe that Martin, The Insomnia Coach offers a complete money back guarantee if you FOLLOW the program and fail to get any results. Can’t beat that with a stick!
Good luck with your challenge! ;-))