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✘ Not a clientI went to see my brother in law the awhile back (he’s a chiropractor and I went for an adjustment ) I was asking him, ‘don are you Ever sore or tired?’ He’s 60, in amazing shape and full of piss and vinegar ( as my
Mother in-law would say lol)
His response , although very simple, was profound …. and , I have to say it sort of snapped me out of this ‘insomnia fog’ that I’ve been in for so many years!
‘Yes I’m always sore, and everything Hurts , I only sleep 3-4 hours a night, BUT I ‘won’t let’ that stop me from living’ and dang … If he isn’t FULL of life!!!!
Just thought maybe it would help someone else as it has def helped to change my attitude .. that and my ACT book?Pam1129
✘ Not a clientHey, I’ve now finished ‘The Sleep Book’ am falling asleep rather quickly , which hasn’t usually been my problem … I’m doing the best that I can on implementing the tools…
my goal is for a full 4-5 hours with ‘no wakes’ then maybe reach 6-7 hours!!!!
I want so badly to believe 100% that this is possible , and trying not to ‘try’ so hard at ‘making’ it happen … from Sasha’s book I have learned to STOP clock watching which I believe has been a huge help for me… however I wake up SO many times still… maybe I’m not accepting or welcoming very well??? Does it get easier with time,??? I do feel as tho I’m not laying there as long tossing
And turning( when I wake) and getting frustrated … but I would just love to NOT wake at all, and I feel ( and don’t want to admit it, the doubt I have) that it’s not ever going to happen ?!
Just hoping for some counsel/wisdom from you guys! It’s been great to read your posts!Pam1129
✘ Not a clientDeb
I too want
To sincerely thank you for sharing your journey with us!!! Since I am not a client, i rarely do share, because I feel I haven’t earned that right however I am SO grateful for all this information!
It has saved me and my marriage haha
….. my husband knows that he is NOT allowed to ask me about my nights sleep , because truly it got too depressing , I wanted nothing to do with sharing about my sleepless night AGAIN! I was feeling like such a downer , he would feel so helpless and wanted so deeply to be able
To help me, fix me, encourage me in some way… I just wanted me ,to not ‘be broken’ anymore, which was how I felt… ‘what’s wrong with me?’ Just go to sleep , I would tell myself over and over again … but now after reading through the ‘sleep book’ placing too much energy on my insomnia was what brought all this anxiety on and made it worse… 19 years!!! So I AM ecstatic that I found this site , and to read all your posts, have been inspiring for sure !! I am only in chapter four, and just trying to figure
Out this welcoming stage, tonight will be my first attempt! So far however , since I’ havent been clock watching, sleep journaling, doing SC and for
Now going to bed when I’m tired ( that’s after watching tv, to wind down , but not while in bed) I am falling asleep rather quickly ( which wasn’t usually too difficult for me,) I just wake a lot , so is that sleep
I think it was Borgesbi that
Mentioned that the anxiety is almost nil, and the feelings of serenity in bed has been wonderful , I believe the word ‘Liberating’ was what she used’ Amen!!! That’s me as well !
Acceptance !!! Who would have thought ?!! It almost makes me wanna laugh at myself because of all the MANY things I’ve done prior and you name it I’ve done it!! Now I say to my husband when I get up ‘hey guess what?! My sleeps getting better!!?
Sorry this is sooo long I truly want to just encourage those that are struggling to ‘let it
Go’ I KNOW easier said than done, and yes I still struggle too, I’m still waiting for one night where I go to bed
At 11 and sleep all the way to 5 with No wakes!! But I’m better thanks to reading and learning from ALL OF YOU!Pam1129
✘ Not a clientWow!!! So many of you appear to have improved greatly!!!
I have not been reading any posts of late, so just sat down and read the last couple weeks worth..and It was great to see the change for many of you!
I also wanted to report my ‘sleep’ pattern of late..
although I still wake often, I am doing waaay better… I bought the book, but just briefly started, ( I’m able to glean a lot from this blog) I am amazed at how much more relaxed I am and how ‘great’ my sleep is becoming!! The biggest changes for me have been;
1.I never look at the clock(knowing my alarm is set has been enough) took me awhile, im not gonna lie, I was used to checking every time I’d wake, but realize now that ,that was a big stressor for me that caused Anxiety, mind wandering, worry about am I getting enough sleep ect…
2. Accepting whatever happens3. Being positive
( even if it’s not the truth if someone asks how the sleeps been)
It has been incredible!!!
And THAT is THE TRUTH!! Haha
This has been a part of my world … the insomnia for 18 Years
I’ve read all your posts and KNOW and have felt exactly what you’re all sharing about.. and it was ‘hell’ 0- 4 hours a night of sleep for years ..all the meds I’ve taken, and for sooo long, feelings of; zombie,dazed,dizzy,angry, depressed, alone… all while trying to raise four kids
But for me … to FINALLY just ACCEPT whatever happens, has put me in a much better place!!!
THANKYOU all for sharing your stories , it’s been a comfort only insomniacs could truly ‘get’ and
Understand ?Pam1129
✘ Not a clientAlthough I haven’t commented much of late.. I’ve still been following, for the most part ; this forum.
I also want to share the whole truth; but ….
after reading Sasha’s book ‘Effortless Sleep’ one of her big things was to keep it all positive, ( even if it wasn’t All true ) when someone asks how you’re doing or how the sleep has been , you role is to respond in a positive way ‘it was a great night and tonight’s gonna even be better’ I’ve SOO been trying to do this more , even if I’m cringing at times inside…
My SW is 12-5:30
it’s really difficult to stay awake that long , however , being in bed a shorter amount of time has def been great for me
1. It’s Allowed me to fall asleep very quickly ?
2.When I wake ( which is about 5 times) I am falling back to sleep !!
So I’m determined to keep ‘sleeping well!’
✘ Not a clientThis forum is so wonderful…. I’ve so appreciated those of you sharing your stories … My insomnia started about 18 years ago , and this SR; although very difficult at times , I think it was Borgesbi that said he would get very tired and fatigued but not sleepy….( same here ,I’m very sleepy by 8 pm , YES, but too early for bed) I could never differentiate between those three ! Because im staying up ; and trying to stay awake ,I have for the first time in a very long time gotten to that sleepy feeling and for the most part I fall asleep quickly…. still waking after about 1-2 hrs ( which is/was my normal pattern )
martin mentioned a book in one of his emails; The Effortless Sleep by Sasha Stephens, I ordered it as soon as he mentioned it , when I got it , I read it that night !
Im excited for all this great information , I feel for the first time in a LONNNG time , this WILL be OVER soon!
Sasha points out and feels this is the most powerful aspect of the program : the need to ‘Replace negative sleep talk with positive statements’
I’m not gonna lie , it’s a bit of a struggle and what I say about my sleep isn’t the whole truth YET , that’s now my goal, being positive and only talking of the ‘great night of sleep i had’ So TONIGHT is going to be EVEN BETTER!!!?
✘ Not a clientThanks Deb!
ill check it out
✘ Not a clientDeb,
Where do you go to see those testimonies, I’d like to read about those , also to get a feel on how long it took for them , ( I realize we are all different) maybe how long they had insomnia … ?
✘ Not a clientYes , I’m doing it now , and although I had heard about SR , I never stuck with it long enough, I just didn’t fully ( i still don’t haha) understand the process and the process , I’m gathering is ..::that it’s NOT easy!, it takes time , and to KEEP going lol!!! So I’m committed, because from what I can tell and read on here is , that it WORKS!
✘ Not a clientHey Steve ,
First off, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through … since I’m so new to this forum, and have just started implementing the SR , I’m def not Qualified to give a response.. I can however relate to the , ‘feeling better’ sometimes after a ‘No sleep’night ‘ Its crazzzy, and yet I’ve had to, for me, accept that I didn’t get ‘any’ and yet be so grateful that I ‘could ‘ still function without sleep. I’m also really working on, trying to accept that this ‘is’ my life right now, AND, that it’s GOING to get better!! This forum is wonderful, with SO many others that truly understand Insomnia, and are A great source of encouragement !!!
Most days I am pretty positive , but mannnn I do have times where I’m very emotional and when asked ‘how are you’ by my hubby the waterfall starts and I just fall apart for awhile ? and that’s ok!
Then I pull myself together and start yet another day , and hope for a good night!!!
I’m going to continue with this on my own for awhile because Financially , I’m unable to do Martins course at this time, but ‘He’ will def be next for me !!’
✘ Not a clientDeb
I agree with what someone else said earlier about you being a positive role model.. THANKYOU !!
Your posts are so encouraging and I’m learning quite a bit from you and all the others!
I am so GRATEFUL to have stumbled on this site !! I for the first time in many many years, have hope that this will , ‘ I will’ get some quality sleep!! Im still trying to figure all the SR and SC out, I’m a newbie..but I’m sticking to it. I had my 8th night of SR last night ,and could barely make it (without crashing several times haha) to my ‘bedtime’
my family has always known, of moms sleeping don’t wake her, now I tell them ‘wake me!’ Haha
Thankyou to all of you for your input , your information has given me a new excitement for Hope again!!!
✘ Not a clientI’m so new to this… so we can lose the ‘sleep drive’ ??
Meaning: if we doze off while watching tv or reading a book, this could mess us up for ‘when’ we do go to bed, or even during this SR timeframe???
im trying really hard to just stay upright throughout the day for that same reason… because of being so tired , and just wanting to lay down for a quick power nap, I just try and keep pressing on… sometimes it has been very difficult . So my question; should I avoid any type of a 5-10 min power nap, because it could mess this SR , sleep drive up ! ( I fell asleep in the car waiting for my dad ha)
Because I am really working hard on sticking with this , (although brutal staying up until 12)
last night was #8
it was my best so far??
✘ Not a clientToday was a very tough day!! I just did my 5th night ( my first time trying this ) last night of SR.. I’m so hoping I can get a string of a few hours sleep together! I feel like after this many years of struggling , I am ‘broken’
I am really believing this will be the ‘ticket’ ( just makes sense) and trying to keep a positive outlook, but , dang, sometimes it’s just rough!
i appreciate this forum … love to hear that it ‘does’ work and I need to just hang in there!?
✘ Not a clientI’m very new to this site, I’ve been doing SR for four nights now and am about to go nuts lol!’ I’m staying up until 12:30, getting up at 6
im really struggling to stay awake from the 10:30-12:30 time ( because 10:30 was my previous bedtime )
i am still waking several times , so I’m guessing if I’m awake for 30 min, I need to be getting up ?? I’m determined to get ‘better’
so I’ve been encouraged , reading the different posts … I’m going on 18 years with this crapppp??
✘ Not a clientWhat is an approximate amount of time that it takes for the SR to work? I’m guessing it’s different for most, … I’m just trying to get an idea??