Hello from Wonderhussy

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      Hello fellow sufferers! I have been afflicted with insomnia since April 2010. It kicked in quite suddenly, after 30 years of being able to sleep anytime, anywhere, deeply and solidly. I'm not sure what caused it, but I haven't given up trying to figure it out.

      My insomnia is of this type: I fall asleep easily and quickly, and sleep well for an average of 3 hours. Then, I wake up, and unable to resume deep sleep. The most I can manage is a sort of half-assed stage 1 dozing that is not very restful.

      So far I've tried all the usual. Behavioral therapy, herbs, acupuncture, yoga, sex, meditation, medical marijuana and about 100 different pills. The only thing that has worked thus far is a combination of Seroquel and smoked mmj, or Lunesta and smoked mmj. I don't like smoking or taking pills, though, so I'm trying to find a better way.

      Right now I am on day 14 of a sleep restriction diet whereby I only allow myself to spend 6 hours in bed — I go to bed at 2:30am, and get up at 8:30am sharp. I have not deviated from this schedule, and I have cut down my caffeine intake drastically…but still have seen zero improvement.

      I'm wondering how much longer I should keep trying — or if I should give up. I'm soooooo tired! And I'm a model, so I need my beauty sleep — I'm starting to look like an old hag!

      When I finally give up on sleep restriction, next on the agenda will be hypnotherapy. And if that doesn't work, then my next step will be biofeedback. Sure, its $1700…but I'm desperate!

      Meanwhile, tonight I'm going to try eating some mmj instead of smoking. Say what you will about marijuana — it works at least as well as “legit” drugs, and the side effects are comparable to killers like Seroquel. I have a legal prescription, so today I plan to go over to the local dispensary and get some cookies or something to eat before bed. Supposedly, the effects are stronger and longer-lasting than smoking, vaporizing or ingesting it as a tincture (all of which I tried, and smoking is the only one that works for me).

      I am not a recreational marijuana user — I literally only use it in bed, as medicine. I should be the poster child for mmj!

      Anyway, nice to meet all of you!

      Martin Reed
      ★ Admin

        Welcome to Insomnia Land, wonderhussy. We may not be able to find a cure for your insomnia, but we can certainly offer you plenty of support and advice.

        You seem to have tried a lot of treatment options; have you been referred to a sleep clinic or a sleep specialist or have all your treatments come from your primary care physician?

        I'm sure you'll find plenty of tips here in the community and on our blog. I look forward to getting to know you and reading more of your posts in the future.

        If you are ready to stop struggling with insomnia you can enroll in the online insomnia coaching course right now! If you would prefer ongoing phone or video coaching calls as part of a powerful three month program that will help you reclaim your life from insomnia, consider applying for the Insomnia Clarity program.

        The content of this post is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider. Insomnia Coach LLC offers coaching services only and does not provide therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment. All content is provided “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

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          I saw my primary care doctor three times. The first time he prescribed Ambien. The second time, Trazodone. The third time, he “threw up his hands” and shuffled me off to a psychiatrist.

          The psychiatrist diagnosed me as bipolar (after chatting with me all of ten minutes; a diagnosis I strongly disagree with) and prescribed me Temazepam and then Seroquel…but didn't seem interested in getting to the root of the problem. I want a preventative cure, not a palliative!

          So I went to a second psychiatrist, who prescribed Lunesta and sent me to a therapist. The therapist has been trying a sort of relaxation hypnotherapy…which isn't working.

          None of these professionals I've seen seems in the least bit interested in finding out the root cause of my insomnia. I would love a sleep study, but my insurance doesn't cover it and it's $500… in my opinion, a but much to find out whether or not I have sleep apnea (I'm 99.9% sure I don't).

          So the rest of the approaches I've tried have all been my own idea, from online research and sites like this. I'm on my own, and it's very frustrating/scary. Especially with this sleep restriction thing…none of my doctors had even HEARD of it, so I've been wandering blindly on my own, trying to figure it out.

          I wish I could find a kickass sleep specialist — someone who KNOWS insomnia (as far as it's possible to know it; I read that doctor's article you posted). I would drive/fly ANYWHERE to be treated by someone who cared and knew what the hell they were doing. There doesn't seem to be anyone in the Vegas area (I live in Las Vegas, which is somewhat fortunate for an insomniac…even in the middle of the night, there are thousands of people wandering around here, so I never feel “alone”).

          ✘ Not a client
            'wonderhussy' wrote on '25:

            Hello fellow sufferers! I have been afflicted with insomnia since April 2010. It kicked in quite suddenly, after 30 years of being able to sleep anytime, anywhere, deeply and solidly. I'm not sure what caused it, but I haven't given up trying to figure it out.

            My insomnia is of this type: I fall asleep easily and quickly, and sleep well for an average of 3 hours. Then, I wake up, and unable to resume deep sleep. The most I can manage is a sort of half-assed stage 1 dozing that is not very restful.

            So far I've tried all the usual. Behavioral therapy, herbs, acupuncture, yoga, sex, meditation, medical marijuana and about 100 different pills. The only thing that has worked thus far is a combination of Seroquel and smoked mmj, or Lunesta and smoked mmj. I don't like smoking or taking pills, though, so I'm trying to find a better way.

            Right now I am on day 14 of a sleep restriction diet whereby I only allow myself to spend 6 hours in bed — I go to bed at 2:30am, and get up at 8:30am sharp. I have not deviated from this schedule, and I have cut down my caffeine intake drastically…but still have seen zero improvement.

            I'm wondering how much longer I should keep trying — or if I should give up. I'm soooooo tired! And I'm a model, so I need my beauty sleep — I'm starting to look like an old hag!

            When I finally give up on sleep restriction, next on the agenda will be hypnotherapy. And if that doesn't work, then my next step will be biofeedback. Sure, its $1700…but I'm desperate!

            Meanwhile, tonight I'm going to try eating some mmj instead of smoking. Say what you will about marijuana — it works at least as well as “legit” drugs, and the side effects are comparable to killers like Seroquel. I have a legal prescription, so today I plan to go over to the local dispensary and get some cookies or something to eat before bed. Supposedly, the effects are stronger and longer-lasting than smoking, vaporizing or ingesting it as a tincture (all of which I tried, and smoking is the only one that works for me).

            I am not a recreational marijuana user — I literally only use it in bed, as medicine. I should be the poster child for mmj!

            Anyway, nice to meet all of you!


            Nice to “meet you”. I was intererested in your comments about Seroquel. I've been taking 25mg Seroquel for years and have found that my sleep has been getting progressively worse over time. Lots of psychological stuff going on too. My family doctor recommended I double the dose of Seroquel to 50mg/night. I did this for a few nights and by the 4th night I actually had 8 hours of sleep, but what a price!! The next morning I was OK but by the afternoon I was a real space cadet then followed by a real super downer. I had to go to work the next day and was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to do my job. So I went back to my normal 25mg and was fine (except my usual lousy sleep and depression). So I decided to try and add more Seroquel slowly (cut a 25mg pill in half). I have this waking up and going back to sleep thing. I have been fine for the first 2 but I just can't get back to sleep for the 3rd one – which usually happens aroung 4am. So my anxiety and fear that I wouldn't go back to sleep may have been part of the cause for the long time I waited to go back to sleep – I finally did, but I think it was very brief. But I woke up not feeling refreshed and “HAPPY”.I feel OK today but am scared what will happen this afternoon. My family doctor said that Seroquel wouldn't hurt me, but in the dose she recommended WOW – bad news. Along with the Seroquel I take 2 other sleep meds. I'm 67 years old and think my age is a factor.

            Sure hope you can find a solution to your problem.

            ✘ Not a client

              Seroquel worked OK for me on and off, mostly if I used it in conjunction with medical marijuana…but I quit taking it because I don't want diabetes and heart problems!

              I ate a mmmj-laced Rice Krispie treat about an hour before bed last night, and was able to sleep for 5 solid hours before waking up. Not bad! I'm going to make a batch tonight, and try that for awhile. That stuff knocks me out at least as well as Seroquel, and it's not as bad for you if you're eating it instead of smoking it. Although eating Rice Krispie treats every night isn't exactly health food…hope I don't turn into a fat-ass! But at least I'll be a well-rested fat-ass…


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