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  • #8645
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      I have been an insomniac since the birth of my son 23 years ago, those sleepless nights with a new baby was the trigger. I have tried herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, hot baths, hot milk etc but nothing seems to work for long. I am currently on a really bad phase feeling really rough and unable to go to work as I am not safe to drive and can't get public transport. As I have only recently started my job I am worried about losing it. Now the sleeping tablets are not working making me feel even worse. Always looking for new things to try and really glad to find people who understand, as I don't bother telling people who can sleep as they don't have a clue about what we insomniacs go through. Hoping to share tips, not that anything seems to work, but everyone is different!

      ✘ Not a client

        Martin the site leader will more than likely be able to help in 1 way or another.. but feel free to add me on twitter.. take care..

        twitter me sometime.. 🙂

        Mike Hooker
        ✘ Not a client

          Hi, Stillawake,

          We know how you feel. There's not much we can do for each other, but just knowing others who suffer from it provides some comfort.

          Welcome to Insomnia Land.

          Martin Reed
          ★ Admin

            Welcome to Insomnia Land.

            I am sure you'll find plenty of tips and advice in the insomnia section of the forums – please take some time to share your own experiences in there, too. These forums are only useful for members if members themselves share their experience with specific remedies and treatments.

            I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better.

            If you are ready to stop struggling with insomnia you can enroll in the online insomnia coaching course right now! If you would prefer ongoing phone or video coaching calls as part of a powerful three month program that will help you reclaim your life from insomnia, consider applying for the Insomnia Clarity program.

            The content of this post is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider. Insomnia Coach LLC offers coaching services only and does not provide therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment. All content is provided “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

            ✘ Not a client

              Manicmacca, Mike and Martin, thanks for your replies, I am really pleased to have found this community of insomniacs, it really does help to know there are others out there, it can be a very isolating condition. I look forward to sharing my experiences with everyone in Insomnialand in the very near future.

              ✘ Not a client

                Feel free to msg me If you ever just want a chat. I tend to be Online most night's .

                ✘ Not a client


                  Lady Jane
                  ✘ Not a client

                    Hi Stillawake, i was so glad to hear that you reckon your sleepless nights started when you had a young baby, because i have never slept soundly since, as a mother you constantly have one ear listening out for cries, i never was able to sleep well again, now my insomnia is made far worse because i have Parkinson's and now the loss of my husband who suicided this year, so i think i have buckley's chance of ever restoring my sanity….like you my driving hangs in the balance, and i am now longer able to drive with my grandchildren in the car….it's tough being an insomniac……

                    where abouts in Sussex are you? My aunt lives in SUssx and so does my best friend. i am english, but i live in Australia now…


                    Lady Jane

                    ✘ Not a client

                      Good to read about others who share the same malady. I was sleeping better and now I am backsliding. It is 4:05 am PST and no shuteye so far. I get anxious about sleep and that does not help. Was trying to reset my bio clock with some success, but not now. I took 4Benadryl then two Tylenol PM and still am wide awake. Was out in the sun today walking around the Farmers Market; you would think that would help.


                      Lady Jane
                      ✘ Not a client

                        i do sympathize with you. i have just spent two weeks at the most amazing place in Thailand, i did their de-tox programme first for five days (fabulous food i have to say), then the sleep enhancement programme alas it could not be rectified in 10 days, but the head naturopath has written out some guidlines i must adhere to, and given time we shall see what happens, i have a sugar problem (addict) and i am proud to say i did not have any bread, potaotes, rice, sugar etc and although i did not sleep any better, well i did, a bit, i do feel much better….for further information on this gorgeous place, which i have to add 4 ladies had flown out from the uk JUST FOR FIVE DAYS, such is the reputation. i arrived a total wreck, grieving for my husband and just left, energetic, full of hope and peace for the future…..and i will not give up on trying to rectify my sleep hygiene but with Parkinson's, the drugs for that, age and bereavement, it is quite a battle!! if you are interested in having a browse, it is called Kamalaya and it is in Koh Sumai, Thailand…..lots and lots of american go there, many for the fourth and fifth times! i cannot praise these beautiful Thai people highly enough, they are absolutely unreal…vvv

                        ✘ Not a client

                          I have heard from others as to the wonders of Thailand. When they speak of it it is mostley how wonderful and gracious they are. I do not travel much these days because of the insomnia. I am trying to reset my sleep times. Trying to get up earlier in the am so I will be sleepy at bedtime. I am happy that you found something that gives you peace and joy.


                          Lady Jane
                          ✘ Not a client

                            yes i too have tried getting up earlier and earlier but with the partkinson's there is a fine line between being pleasantly tired and exhausted which makes Parkinson's worse. I somehow am going to make the journey to UK next year for my aunt's 90th birthday, and i dont know whether to actually do it or not!!! Seems daunting indeed.

                            Take care

                            ✘ Not a client

                              To Lady Jane, thank you for your prompt reply. It is interesting that we can sometimes pinpoint a time when our sleep pattern changed. The birth of a baby, an illness or tragedy. Mine started with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; I slept fine before then. Sometimes I would have a cup of coffee before bed and sleep blissfully, then it all changed. I even gave up drinking coffee, my favorite drug! But I had to choose sleep or coffee, sleep won out. The last few nights I have done better. I do not allow myself to sleep in. It is so hard to get up and not go back to bed. But I have to stay with this and see if I can turn this problem around. Do you take a dopamine agent for your Parkinson's?


                              Lady Jane
                              ✘ Not a client

                                Hi Yvonne, Interestingly when i was in Thailand just these past two weeks, at a Wellness Sanctury and Holistic Spa, where i did a de-tox for 5 days followed by a sleep enhancement programe, i met another woman who had flown from the UK just to do this programe as she had CFS and had been taking and still was taking drugs for the past 17 years!!!! She was still taking the pills when she was there which they told her defeats the object of the exercise to take sleeping tablets when on a prgrame such as this one!! I think i am actually getting a litttle bit better too…..i have cut out all caffeine (including wine grrr), all sugar, and anything with anything sugar wise in it, all bread, white rice, potatoes, pasta, (used to be positively addicted to those things, especially white rice as i was born and reared in Asia), no juices, cordials, in otherwords all crap! i slept from midnight to 3 am then woke, went to the loo, then slept again till 5:30am but forced myself to lie still for half an hour to an hour..then i got up. No Pills!! Hoooooray!

                                Yes i take dopamine for my Parkinson's……

                                ✘ Not a client

                                  Lady Jane, it sounds like you are making progress. I gave up coffee some years ago, it was not easy. I do some dark chocolate in the am. Other than that my diet is pretty good. I had some Marijuana cookies last night (first time ever). I wasn't sure what to expect. They made me feel mellow and I think it took a while to kick in but I had a good night sleep. I went for a walk first thing this am. So I am happy with all that. It seems that the desire to get a good nights sleep overshadows everything else in my life. my health in general is pretty good. I turned 73 last month and noone can guess my age. It's those Italian genes I guess. It seems that my biggest problems are alergies and insomnia, oh and that growing thing around my middle, must do something about that.


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