insomnia for almost 4 years,tried all,any help/support?

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  • #30619
    ✘ Not a client

      Hi Frozen Sun,

      I’m surprised your therapist has not heard of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as it is the leading “talking therapy”. Also, if you google it, you will find literally millions of results.  You can find out what it is for yourself and start practising it, don’t wait for the therapist. It’s really about positive thinking.

      ✘ Not a client

        I started going to CBT for like 10 sessions but it didn’t help.

        I really can’t take clozapine,quetiapine,zyprexa anymore,they make me groggy all day long and I feel deatached from reality.

        Hmm second option is to try sleep on my own,but this is impossible mission for me.

        What can I do?I don’t have third option really,and I need sleep desperatly.

        I know if I don’t sleep for one night now,I feel terrible,and that I won’t sleep the second night probably because fucked up hormones.

        ✘ Not a client

          They should cover off catastrophising in your cbt… May help you take more optimistic stance….!!!


          ✘ Not a client

            …. After all, you’re still here and surviving… That’s a big plus.

            Go from there and try to not catastrophes. I know it’s hard when you feel bad, but you can do it.

            ✘ Not a client

              For one thing I know sadly,I ended many times third night can not fall asleep and taking meds.

              I really can’t believe no one can tell what is the cause of my insomnia.

              I mean how do blind man sleep.

              So I know it’s risky to try to sleep without antipsychotic but taking sdatives long term probably is not solution anymore but psychiatrist don’t agree,they tell me there is a high chance to end up sadly in psychosis.

              I took klonopin for more then a year but I read somewhere that klonopin deletes REM  sleep permanently in humans so I got scared.


              ✘ Not a client

                is there anything that can help withput these damn meds?

                Anything to get my sleep back for at least 4 hours naturally?

                Martin you said that shiftwork was the issue,man I don’t work for 4 months and still my sleep is not coming back.

                ✘ Not a client

                  is it normal to feel deattached from reality after one night of no sleep?

                  ✘ Not a client

                    yes and no a normal sleeper is probably not affected by it at the least he is a little drossy but us insomniacs we are sleep deprived there is nothing left in our tank trust me i know the feeling after yet another sleepless night one is ok but if they come in a row that’s hard i understand you are angry and frustrated we have a million questions and not one helps us sleep better

                    ✘ Not a client

                      after 48 h of like 2-3 h of sleep total,I had to take klonopin last night to get some rest.

                      Although I don’t feel fresh at all.

                      When I woke up,one thought came to my mind:WHAT IF MY SLEEP NEVER COMES BACK NATURALLY.

                      I’m scared like shit…


                      ✘ Not a client

                        so still no sleep,last week I ended 2 nights/days without a sleep.
                        For like 3 weeks I feel dissociated.
                        A week ago psychiatrist gave me Clozapine,God this is not a pill this is a death.
                        I took it last 3 days,and I couldn’t function at all.
                        I had a good sleep for 10 hours but all day long I felt deattached from the world,can’t think,can’t read,can’t concentrate,can’t even pay a simple bill.
                        Psychiatrist told me I have to take it but I really don’t want to because I feel like a plant on it.
                        I wish it only sedates me but it doesn’t it’s like a feeling you see all around yourself in a fog.
                        What can I do?
                        I went to somnologist to other country and he gave me a pill,too this time Tegretol,and I didn’t take it since it has nasty side effects same as Clozapine.
                        Wherever I go they all give me pills for epilepsy,schizophrenia.
                        I can’t take this anymore,and I can’t take insomnia too.
                        What else is left for me to try,please help me?

                        ✘ Not a client

                          Hi, i am a medical student from Norway. Recently I battle with insomnia and reseached the issue. There is a medicine named Xyrem which is used for narcolepsy. It helps with deep sleep. I am trying to make my doctor prescribe it for me. It costs 39000 kr in Norway. Very experience if your insurance doesn’t cover it. There is another drug named Belsomra which might help. I have not tried Xyrem or Belsomra. But I know Xyrem will work.

                          ✘ Not a client

                            I relate so much to your story. Hopefully you are better and found some peace. I’m in your position now. It’s terrible. I’m not sure what to do. I’m trying neurofeedback therapy with an insomnia coach. When I’m tired and I do neuro feedback I actually do get. Nap in. I’ll let you know how that goes.

                            ✘ Not a client

                              Soery to butt in, but since I know this user from other forums I can tell you he is still fighting the good fight, like all of us. I doubt he visits this specific forum anymore. He is on therapy, as am I, and cbt is not mentioned on our local forum very much (sorry, Martin Reed). Don’t know if he practises it, but I don’t think so.
                              The other forum, on our language, is very slow, posts are very rare, he is posting less than he did at the time of his post, so maybe he is doing better than he did then. Let’s hope so.
                              Good luck with your neurofeedback thing, hope it helps.

                              ✘ Not a client

                                Also, frozensun, if you do see this, I hope you don’t mind me answering for you. I was surprised by a reply to your 5 year old post (which I also followed) that I just felt the need to answer Bchavers.

                                Best of luck to us all.

                                • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 weeks ago by Edgar. Reason: Spelling
                                ✓ Client

                                  Hi Bchavers ( and frozensun if you’re still on the forum)—-it can read like the same script, just different actors. Of course it’s tragic that so many of us have wandered the same path.

                                  The good news could be that some of have hiked the whole way, and can hike back and see how people still coming up the trail are doing. Not that we don’t still stumble now and then.

                                  A real life stressor like working weird shifts, financial or relationship problems, whatever. And even after resolved, the insomnia has moved in, gotten comfy and figures why not stick around. (Of course it’s not a living being, but sleep anxiety seems to make it so.)

                                  And then the gamut of doctors aka medical engineers, proficient in technology——but ill-trained and disinclined to really listen to your story. They might toss some meds your way, a short term solution at best.

                                  The best resources I have run across are Martin’s course (not getting paid here, I promise). For resources which continue indefinitely, and available even in remote areas, I’ve found mindfulness to the most useful. A couple of sites with plenty of free material (donations welcome but no hassle at all):

                                  All of these resources require you to do two things: slow down, and stick with it. Which is hard to do when you’re hammered by insomnia.

                                  Another big component for me has been prayer. If you believe in that, you can reply and can address separately.

                                  I should add that staying with the forum and checking out Martin’s podcasts and other materials can be a big help.

                                  Take care, you are not alone.

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