Sleep supplements

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  • #85411
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      For the last 3 weeks I’ve been taking magnesium and Ashwaganda for sleep. I’ve been timing them for 2 hours before bed. It’s hard to say whether they really help or not.

      I’m wondering if this is counter -productive, or actually making things worse. Is this part of a “sleep hygiene” routine that just perpetuates a worry or arousal cycle? Should I taper off these supplements or just stop taking them altogether and just go to sleep when I’m nodding off ?

      ✘ Not a client

        If it’s hard to say whether they help or not, why not quit and see if you notice any difference? I don’t know that a taper is necessary from these products, unlike benzodiazepines and other pharnaceuricals.

        Packer Fan
        ✓ Client

          At the end of the day, all these medicines, be it over the counter, or prescribed, are a band aid!! They all at some point quite working. Unless your doctor prescribes them as “must” try to get off them by taking Martin’s course.

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