The beginning of the night

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  • #44977
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      Since the early spring of this year I have had a problem of not falling asleep at the beginning of the night. Of course I also have the other problems: waking up in the middle of the night, and waking up to early. However those things I don’t really mind, and they don’t make me feel awful the next day. It is not falling asleep that is the real problem. For some reason, once I have gone for an hour or two without getting to sleep, I then can’t fall asleep for the whole rest of the night, typically. I would love tips that have worked for other people about initially falling asleep!


        Hi Cinderella!

        Welcome to the forum!

        It’s encouraging to read that the nights you experience some sleep disruption, you don’t allow it to affect the following day! If you don’t fall asleep when you go to bed, it usually means that you aren’t sleepy enough for sleep to happen. What time do you go to bed at night and do you experience any sleep related anxiety or frustration when you’re lying in bed not able to sleep? If you do, what’s your next step (continue to lie there, get out of bed, read in bed, etc)?

        Scott J

        If you are ready to stop struggling with insomnia you can enroll in the online insomnia coaching course right now! If you would prefer ongoing phone or video coaching calls as part of a powerful three month program that will help you reclaim your life from insomnia, consider applying for the Insomnia Clarity program.

        The content of this post is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider. Insomnia Coach LLC offers coaching services only and does not provide therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment. All content is provided “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

        ✘ Not a client

          Hi Scott what happens if you’re tired enough to go to bed but only sleep shallowly and never reach the deeper stages and when you wake the next morning you’re exhausted for the entire day and the entire process just repeats itself with the tired feeling leading to more shallow sleep.

          I guess the question is what to do about shallow sleep do you accept it because it is sleep just low quality or do you stay awake in the hopes of getting a deeper stage because this is the predicament I’m in at the moment and the stage of sleep never seems to go deeper because
          during the day I’m exhausted never fully rested so its not the same situation as getting very little close to nothing but more the quality is not there.

          • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Jess84.
          • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Jess84.

            Hey Jess!

            I encourage you to find activities during the day that make the day enjoyable and try to go about your day as if you aren’t experiencing any sleep disruption. Have you considered exploring a sleep window that could be beneficial in building your sleep drive?

            We don’t have control over how and when our body moves from one sleep phase to the next. Why do you believe you’re only achieving light sleep? To my knowledge, the only method of measuring our sleep phases is by being monitored during a polysomnographic study.

            Scott J

            If you are ready to stop struggling with insomnia you can enroll in the online insomnia coaching course right now! If you would prefer ongoing phone or video coaching calls as part of a powerful three month program that will help you reclaim your life from insomnia, consider applying for the Insomnia Clarity program.

            The content of this post is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider. Insomnia Coach LLC offers coaching services only and does not provide therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment. All content is provided “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

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