
Feeling stuck in the insomnia struggle? Get the free insomnia sleep training course!

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  • #54345
    ✘ Not a client

      I’ve noticed that my worrying is the biggest hill to get over in my insomnia journey. I’ve learned that I can live my life regardless of the amount of sleep I get, and that’s been a huge encouragement. Most days I feel very confident that I will sleep, until about an hour before bed. Then the dam on my anxiety and worry seems to break. I try to “sit” with the feelings and thoughts, but again get nagging thoughts saying “you’re doing this just to make this stop, or go to sleep etc.” So then I challenge the thoughts but I feel like I end up in this loop of my mind saying none of this is going to work. I feel hopeless at that point. And even when I feel like “whatever, I’m tired of this” my mind still intrudes with, you’re just doing that to make me go away. What do I do?

      ✓ Client

        Stare down deep inside you and ask what is it you are so afraid of? If your “mind still intrudes with, you’re just doing that to make me go away.” Well, does it have to go away? Allow yourself to have intrusions but you can also choose how you respond to them. If you are not bothered to take any action and you attach less and less meaning to them, then thoughts don’t matter to you regardless of where they reside. Your body has demonstrated it can sleep, almost every night. The proof is already there! What else do you need? So what if you can’t sleep for a night or two? Life still goes on and sleep will eventually return, it always has. Accept thoughts as just mind noise, they mean absolutely nothing unless you take them way too seriously.

        Martin Reed
        ★ Admin

          I wonder what might happen if you simply thanked your brain for all those thoughts it generates, rather than trying to fight them, avoid them, or label them?

          “You’re doing this to make this stop” — thanks, brain!
          “You’re trying to make sleep happen” — thanks, brain!
          “Tonight will be a disaster” — thanks, brain!
          ” You’re too worried for sleep to happen” — thanks, brain!
          etc, etc, etc.

          The alternative is a night of struggle, battling endlessly with your thoughts.

          If you are ready to stop struggling with insomnia you can enroll in the online insomnia coaching course right now! If you would prefer ongoing phone or video coaching calls as part of a powerful three month program that will help you reclaim your life from insomnia, consider applying for the Insomnia Clarity program.

          The content of this post is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider. Insomnia Coach LLC offers coaching services only and does not provide therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment. All content is provided “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

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