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✓ ClientI see what you mean now.
Basically for this first experimental week I am to stick to my going to bed time as much as possible in order to create sleep pressure. As it turned out I began reading and at 1030pm no longer sleepy , went to bed.
I had hip pain which woke me at 230am. I did not go back to sleep due to pain but no matter. I listened to great music and got out of bed at desígnated time and went on my pre-planned 5.5 mile hike which I thoroughly enjoyed. I refused to allow fewer hours of sleep keep me from keeping my commitment to myself. Was I a bit slower? Yes, but I got out there and enjoyed being in God’s nature.Gods_kid
✓ ClientNever mind, I just read the blog piece of this. Thank you
December 10, 2021 at 6:24 am in reply to: A small success story followed by a big disappointment #49052Gods_kid
✓ ClientEdgar why don’t u try martins free email program for two weeks and then sticking to it?
Im on week 5 and I am no longer fearful of anxious about wakefulness. I’m hoping the body will follow however I am in no illusion that this would be a quick fix – I’ve been dependent on Ambien for 15 years.
Best to youGods_kid
✓ ClientHi Luna, you’re not alone for sure. I recommend registering martins free email cbti if you are at a place where you have done what you can and want to end this cycle. He ultimately recommends sleep restriction which I found absolutely grueling the first 3 weeks however this broke me of anxious and fearful thoughts. I’m in week 5 and am looking forward to the day when I get a good amount of consistent sleep as currently I’m averaging 3.5/ night.
✓ ClientHello there,
I have 15 years of Ambien and am slowly tapering myself off. The last day I took 10mg w 5 hours of sleep (which sounds lovely to me at the moment) was 10/26. I’m now on 2.5mg getting average of 3-4 hours. For me there are two priorities: 1. Not getting myself worked up about poor sleep (the battle is is in the mind) 2. Getting myself off of Ambien and 3. Getting consistent sleep so I feel good/functional the next day. If you haven’t done do I recommend martins free cbti email program which will help you with anxious thoughts which most likely is the source of your chronic insomnia. Once you’re no longer stressing you can begin tapering down. For me I need to cut this microscopic pill in quarters in order to fool my mind. You’re not alone!Gods_kid
✓ ClientFrom martins videos you should go back to the techniques you were using to get you back on track.
In his words, there will b bad nights just like we have bad days. Just roll w it and don’t allow it to control your thoughts. You can do this!Gods_kid
✓ ClientClare, I as others here can relate to where you are. So as I see it the pills did not work last night but you’re wondering if you should get more. Sit with this thought for a few minutes. I know fully well that your logical thinking may be a little off right now so just sit w the thought a little longer than you normally would to see the fallacy in your thought process.
I am in week 5 of the sleep restriction which Martin recommended in his videos. Am still getting 3-4 hours total of sleep but no longer have the anxiety related to this ie the thoughts of going mad, not being functional etc….
I recommend you check out his videos, register for his emails as they will may help you see things differently which will hopefully lead you you to better sleep- this is what I’m banking on.
You are not alone in this struggle.Gods_kid
✓ ClientFrom what I understand in this forum and emails from Martin- you go to bed when you are sleepy.
✓ ClientI found a very good peer reviewed article on this subject if anyone is interested :
✓ ClientAngeli your bravery is inspiring me and I don’t feel alone in this battle.
I’ve completed the two week program and am inspired by some podcasts.
I will look up withdrawal schedule and will begin to follow it. This is the end of week three and although I have no change in sleep I am no longer afraid of sleepless nights- I don’t welcome them but I no longer obsess about it- yay!! Thank you for your insight and encouragement to me and others,
✓ ClientChris I recommend registering for Martin’s free email program to arm yourself with knowledge and understanding. Begin there.
✓ ClientLindsey
I’m seeing a psychologist (he’s supposed to b an expert on CBT-I) who told me that he first wanted to see a consistent sleep pattern before we began tapering off Ambien. On my own I cut the Ambien in quarters and am now taking 3/4 with no change in sleep pattern. I think tapering off this medication may be best done under the direction of a doctor like angelis says but they’ve got to be learned in CBTi.
Im in the middle of week 3 of sleep restriction, sleeping (it seems less) about 4 broken hours/ night? If w the assistance of this psychologist I don’t get anywhere in another week I will need to fork out some serious cash to Martin.
Best to you on your journey.Gods_kid
✓ ClientMichael
Thank you for your encouragement! So glad to hear you made it out . My time is coming!Gods_kid
✓ ClientYou two are very encouraging to me. I’m in the middle of week three and although my sleep has not gotten better (I am slowly tapering off Ambien), mentally I’m not fearing my bed/bedroom/making plans for the next day/wakefulness.
I trust my body will eventually figure it out like Martin says and sleep pressure will overtake me.Gods_kid
✓ ClientSo very encouraging. Thank you for posting. I’m in the middle of week 3 and mentally am doing well. I’m starting to not fear wakefulness in bed and and comfortable with it- I never though that would b possible. Hoping for sleep improvement.