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✘ Not a clientI’m working on not being stressed out when I wake up, in the hopes I can return to sleep soon after. Sometimes it works. Slow steps.
✘ Not a clientThat’s helpful about the arousal system. I am trying to make bed time a good time, a place of comfort and not stress. I am slowly getting there.
✘ Not a clientThat is so hard. If I get out of bed, my mind wakes up and that’s it for sleep.
✘ Not a clientI wake up a lot at around 4am, and that’s it for sleep. I’ve been experimenting with going to bed earlier. My goal is the magic 5.5 hours of sleep. Last night was 4 hours. But the night before was a lovely 8 hours…lots of waking and going back to sleep, but it was incredible to get so many hours. I could not get that before joining this program.
✘ Not a clientYup. I can’t have a job where people can count on me to show up. Just dragging my exhausted self out of bed each morning is awful.
I have an online job, but it’s limited. I have to live on less than $1k a month.
✘ Not a clientThat will be a great article. Even my doctors don’t take this seriously. I have a chronic condition that diminishes my quality of life, and they just try different meds, then shrug when nothing works. I have to go to mexico to get sleeping pills now. It’s awful. I hate begging doctors for medicine.
This is an illness and should be treated with respect. There is a reason why sleep deprivation is considered torture for prisoners of war. See the Geneva Accords.
Frustrating. After a year of seeing my doctor several times a month to try different meds, he eventually gave up and said there was nothing else to try. Isn’t that nice?
✘ Not a clientSo, if I get six hours or more hours of broken sleep, how would the sleep allotment work? Conversely, what if I get 2 hours or sleep?
I am seeing a lot of improvement, but it’s still all over the place.
✘ Not a clientI thought you said we were to spend 5.5 hours in bed for sleep restriction, including getting up and down every 1/2 hour with no sleep. This is correct, right?
✘ Not a clientThis might be when mine kicked in too, and also from incredible grief. My life is more or less ruined and I am out of ideas.
✘ Not a clientYou are not alone. I am so mad about the new med rules that I am thinking to move to mexico where I can get drs to actually prescribe what helps. I only take them when I really need them, in order to stretch out my supply.
✘ Not a clientI know we are supposed to try to get off the meds, but while we get there, what have people tried, and what works or doesn’t?
When I can get a benzo, it works. It is very hard to get them.
And it’s even harder to get ambien, which also works.
Gabapentin used to work for me when I would restrict it to once a week, but no longer helps, even in large doses.
Sometimes I can get an hour or two of sleep from pot – there is a little relief from Sativa, and some from a certain kind of Indica. I don’t like pot, and it’s embarrassing to use it, but it’s legal in my state and I’ll do ANYTHING to get some sleep. Sometimes I use a vaping cartridge, sometimes a pipe, and the most helpful are the edibles. I had to have my nephew show me how to use pot. I had no idea.
Sometimes if I drink a lot I can get a nice night of sleep. Like I said, I am willing to do anything now.
Painkillers don’t help me sleep, but they do allow my to not care much about it, when I can get some.
Trazadone used to give me heart palpitations, but now my body has adapted and I might get an hour or two from those.
Melatonin does nothing. I am going to try the sublingual kind next. It’s hard to find in drugstores, but I found some at Amazon.
Muscle relaxers do nothing.
Antidepressants and anti psychotics do nothing.
I have more to add but I’m wondering what helps people.
✘ Not a clientI am really angry at your Doctor for you. Can you try another dr?
Mine won’t even prescribe sleeping meds. I have to smuggle them in from Mexico. Good thing I live near the border.
✘ Not a clientYou’re in the right place. What do your drs prescribe you? What have you tried?
✘ Not a clientBTW, I have an entire pharmacy by my bed full of things I try on different nights – it’s like I am a drug store. I can’t go anywhere anymore unless I take my fan, my blue blocking glasses, my meds/herbs/oils/supplements, etc, etc…Each night I fasten the curtains all over the walls to prevent any light seeping through…and each morning I try to come up with reasons to get out of bed and live my miserable life.
I understand that keeping prisoners from sleep is considered torture under the Geneva Conventions. Now I know why.
✘ Not a clientThis is great info and thank you. Why do you apply it to every part of you, and why does it take so long?
I’ve heard in the past about using magnesium, but since I’ve tried every snake oil I could find for over a year and a half, and spending over $2k dollars already trying to fix my sleep, I stopped believing anything could work. I HATE the sleep issue. Every night is torture. At the age of 50, I can’t understand where this suddenly came from, why this happens, why I can’t sleep after a lifetime of sleeping long and great.
I would rather die early than continue to live this way.
No one understands what a tremendous problem this is. The doctors certainly won’t take it seriously. It feels like my entire life centers around my sleep. I will lie in bed sometimes for 12 hours to get 1-2 hours of sleep, and often get nothing. I just lie there upset. I try to do the sleep restriction but I can’t make myself get up after 5.5 hours. I just lie there and cry. And getting up and down every half hour doesn’t help either – it wakes me up more.
I put the magnesium in my cart.
I am really happy for you that you found something to help. What have your doctors tried?